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ISSA - WWF Caucasus Programme Office
Foreign Entity
WWF Caucasus Programme Office
Multidimensional Poverty Survey in the Guria Region, 2021

Multidimensional Poverty Survey in the Guria Region, 2021

12 Jun 2021

The methodology for assessing poverty in Guria is based on Sida’s Multidimensional Poverty Framework. Based on the model, the main focus (centre) of the methodology is to analyze who is poor, which dimension of poverty one is in and to identify key deprivations (how) which is also linked to institutional, structural and developmental causes of poverty (why).

Assessment methodology utilizes qualitative, as well as quantitative methods of research. The complex approach of the assessment includes desk research, focus groups, interviews and household surveys.

Qualitative component

Desk Research. Collection and Analysis of the Development Context Data for Guria Region. Donors’ surveys and assessments, academic research papers, etc. were collected and analyzed to better understand the development context data – underlying causes (economic and social, political and institutional, peace and conflict, environmental).

Multidimensional Poverty Analysis (MDPA) in the Guria region aims to obtain comprehensive information on the dimensions of poverty in the Guria National Park project area to inform the strategies and approaches to creating the new National Park in Guria. The project, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), is implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Caucasus and the Georgian government. 

The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the main development trends in Guria and provide a better understanding of different dimensions of poverty in the region (who is poor and how). In addition to the above, the analysis of the essence and causes of poverty is presented on the basis of the needs of creating the National Park in Guria and through the prism of the potential impact the future protected area may have.

Two focus groups were organised as part of the qualitative research with the participation of a) the representatives of civil society organisations and media operating in Guria and b) representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives, as well as individual entrepreneurs and farmers.

Three interviews with the selected beneficiaries of the State Economic Programme residing in Guria as well as with the representatives of small and medium-sized businesses were conducted as part of the research.

Quantitative component

A total of 1201 residents of Guria aged 18+ were surveyed as part of the quantitative research, namely, through face-to-face interviews. Random sampling has been used at every stage of the research.