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Quality of legal education in Georgia, research of conformity of qualification and delivery of persons with legal education in the labor market, 2015

Quality of legal education in Georgia, research of conformity of qualification and delivery of persons with legal education in the labor market, 2015

9 Jul 2015

The goal of the research was to find out the quality of high legal education provided by higher education institutions of Georgia for the students. Also, what requirements are set by the labor market for the individuals with high legal education and how the graduates meet the requirements of the labor market.

To achieve the objectives and goals of the research we used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quality determining indicators of legal education was established through qualitative research. Identification of the main trends of problems related to legal education in Georgia and identification of dominant demands and problems existing in the labor market in relation to the qualification of persons with legal education.

Through quantitative research, the existing reality was assessed by the target groups (bachelor's, magistrates, doctoral students, university professors and administration representatives)based on the indicators that determine the quality of legal education.

Totally 9 focus groups were conducted in 3 cities of Georgia with following target groups:

  • Representatives of the court and prosecutor's office;
  • Lawyers;
  • Representatives of NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations;

Within the quantitative research, using the face-to-interview method were interviewed students of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral students of legal faculties of higher education institutions of Georgia; Also professors of the faculties and high representatives of faculty administration (Dean, Deputy Deans, Quality Assurance & Heads of Service, etc.).

Sample size: For students:

  • 1000 completed interviews ((Such sampling size is caused by the need for obtaining representational data for subgroups of the main target group);
  • For professors and representatives of faculty administration: 350 completed interviews;

Thus, the total size of sampling was 1350 interviews.