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SCO Mapping in Georgia, 2015

SCO Mapping in Georgia, 2015

15 Jan 2016

The objectives of the baseline study were:

1. Developing and conducting a base line study to elaborate a base line for a selected set of indicators included in the dashboard of the Roadmap for engagement with CSOs in Georgia 2014-2017;

2. Fine - tuning the list of indicators to be regularly measured, in an effort to make them more smart.

Study has been conducted with usage of both – qualitative and quantitative methods. Within the framework of qualitative study different methods were used, such as desk research, focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Desk research makes it possible to put into a system and analyze the existing data. Desk Research documentation included: publications of governmental and non-governmental institutions, publications of the state statistical office, already conducted studies and analytical reports, free access data on the Internet, etc.

Focus groups and key Informant Interviews aimed at expert evaluation of CS landscape in Georgia based on indicators included in the control panel of the Roadmap for engagement with CSOs in Georgia. Focus group participants were selected from the CSO lists provided by International Center on Conflict and Negotiation.

The quantitative survey was based on structured interviews with the representatives of key civil society actors in Georgia.