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Legal Entity of Public Law
Research of attitudes towards ID card, 2013

Research of attitudes towards ID card, 2013

6 Nov 2013

By order of the House of Justice, the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis conducted a sociological survey that aimed to study attitudes of the Georgian population towards the new electronic ID card.

The main objectives of the research were:

  • Identify positive and negative attitudes towards new ID cards;
  • Research of the causes of current attitudes;
  • Identification of motivators and demotivators for taking a new ID card;
  • Research on preferences related to new ID cards;
  • Identify the segment that affected the formation of a new ID card image (identifying the opinions of public leaders)
  • Identify effective formal and informal communication channels of new ID cards communication activities.

The survey included quantitative and qualitative components.

General population of research: the population of Georgia (16 years and above)

Research type: a Quantitative survey of a national sampling

Research method: Face-to-face interview

Research instrument: Questionnaire

Sample size: 2010 respondents

The whole size of the sample, in turn, was distributed in two categories:

  • 1st Category: Citizens, who at this stage have a new ID (323 respondents);
  • 2nd category: Citizens who do not possess a new ID (1687 respondents) at this stage.

In turn, the second category of the research (Citizens who do not possess a new ID at this stage) was distributed in 2 subcategories: Citizens who don’t possess new ID but don’t exclude to take it (1210 respondents); Citizens who do not possess new IDs and categorically oppose it (477 respondents)

Sampling design: Multi-staged stratified (cluster) sampling. For the mentioned research, sampling sizes for the categories were distributed among Tbilisi and 10 regions of Georgia with a proportion that provides more or less equal value for the sampling error.

Data processing: Initially the questionnaires filled in fieldwork were coded and formalized. Then the data was entered into the computer. After "clearing" the file, the data was processed within the SPSS computer program. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis methods were used to process and analyze, such as frequency (single-dimensional) distribution, central trend indicators, correlation analysis, regression, etc.

Qualitative research was carried out using the focus group (group discussion) method.

The aim of the focus group was:

  • Identification of the problem indicators based on the information revealed through group discussions;
  • Deep assessment of the quantitative research results at the expert level and data interpretation;

Semi-structured questionnaire (guideline) was used for focus groups.

Within the qualitative research, 10 group discussions were conducted with the following composition:

  • Representatives of different religions and ethnic minorities;
  • Experts: Ministry of Justice, House of Justice, National Agency of Public Registry, NGOs;
  • Tbilisi (3) Batumi (2) Marneuli (2) - Owners, opponents, and non-owners (who do not oppose having the new ID card) of the new ID card;
  • Expert focus group: at the final stage of the research. The results of the quantitative research have been introduced to them for further interpretation by experts;