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ISSA - President of Georgia
Legal Entity of Public Law
President of Georgia
Readiness and pre-election attitudes of Georgian population regarding 2016 parliamentary elections, 2016

Readiness and pre-election attitudes of Georgian population regarding 2016 parliamentary elections, 2016

5 Mar 2018

Within the quantitative framework a sociological research was carried out by the ISSA through Georgia in June 2016: “ Readiness and pre-election attitudes of Georgian population regarding 2016 parliamentary elections”

Research type: Mass (quantitative) survey;

Research method: face-to-face interview

Sampling Frame: Population of Georgian of election age (18 years and more) ;

Sample size: 1500 respondents;

The results of the research are representative: according to a) Population of Georgia; b) united districts of Tbilisi; c) Different demographic indicators (gender, age, education and etc.)

The margin error for the whole sampling is plus-minus 2.5%

Respondents were interviewed in families; Respondents were selected with random sampling (using Kish table)

Within the frame of qualitative research, there were identified the factors that will help to increase citizen involvement in the elections. The objective of the research was to reveal the following issues:  

  • Most effective messages to encourage resistant voters to participate in the elections;
  • Priority mottos;
  • Ideas about the logo;
  • Key factors that condition non-participation of the citizens in the elections;


Qualitative research was carried out using focus-group method. 10 focus groups were conducted within the research framework 

Criteria for target groups were determined based on the results of the quantitative research. Two target groups participated in the research:

  • Resistant citizens against the elections (citizens who are skeptical about the participation in elections);
  • Citizens who are non-resistant against the elections, who made the decision to take part in the elections

The following criteria were determined for the first group based on the results of quantitative research:

  • Having no higher education;
  • Membership in 18-34 age groups;
  • Residency of Urban Centers of the Regions of Georgia

As for the second group, it consisted of the citizens who were determined to participate in the elections and live in Tbilisi.

Focus groups were conducted in five cities of Georgia with different target groups.