- საქართველოს მოსახლეობისა და ეთნიკური უმცირესობების განწყობების კვლევა საქართველოში მიმდინარე პროცესებთან დაკავშირებით
- ეროვნულ დონეზე სატყეო სექტორის შესახებ ცნობიერების დონის შეფასება,2023
- Exclusion of Ethnic Minorities in Georgia, 2021
- Consumer Assessment of State Employment Promotion Services, 2022
- Surveys on Citizens’ Satisfaction with Public Services in Georgia, 2021
- Study of the labor market of marine and related specialties in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region and urban centers of Guria, 2020
- A study of the needs and experiences of migrants returning to Georgia, 2020
- “Youth Up 4 Change: better skills for successful transition” final assessment of pilot projects, 2019
- Studying enterprise employment policies, 2019
- Maritime Labor Market Research, 2019
- Survey of non-agricultural economy needs in rural areas (2018)
- Research of needs of Tbilisi population, 2017
- Market research of foreign visitors in Ajara Autonomous Republic, 2016
- Household survey on forest use and poverty, 2016
- Labour market survey in Adjarian mountain villages, 2016
- Studying economic effects of the concert of Maroon 5, 2016
- Study of the needs of residents of 10 highland villages of Adjara, 2015
- Study of customer attitudes towards different products and services, 2015
- Monitoring of Social Impact of the food price volatility in Georgia, 2012
- Study of problems related to Georgian pharmacy network services, 2007
- Research of needs of Tbilisi population, 2005