- საქართველოს მოსახლეობისა და ეთნიკური უმცირესობების განწყობების კვლევა საქართველოში მიმდინარე პროცესებთან დაკავშირებით
- Exclusion of Ethnic Minorities in Georgia, 2021
- Assessment of Anti-Discriminatory Mechanism of the Public Defender’s Office in terms of Data Processing and Analysis, 2021
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Awareness and Satisfaction Survey, 2019-2020
- Public Opinion about the Pension Reform, 2018
- Research of needs of Tbilisi population, 2017
- Local self-governance reform in Georgia - achievements, and challenges, 2015
- Quality of legal education in Georgia, research of conformity of qualification and delivery of persons with legal education in the labor market, 2015
- Final study on the access to justice for the internally displaced and ethnic minority representative women, 2015
- Developing stimulating mechanisms for the involvement of ethnic minorities in the electoral process,2014
- Study of the needs of judges, prosecutors and lawyers with respect to domestic violence, 2014
- Research of torture and inhuman treatment practices in the penitentiary system of Georgia, 2014
- Access to justice for internally displaced and national minority women, 2014