(+99) 599 921 944 | info@issa-georgia.com
მაგდა რუხაძე თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის სოციოლოგიის დოქტორანტია. მაგდა დაინტერესებულია კვლევითი საქმიანობით და აქტიურადაა ჩართული სამეცნიერო კონფერენციებში. მისი როგორც მკვლევრის მთავარი ფოკუსია ახალგაზრდები და მათი პრობლემების კვლევა. საერთაშორისო რეფერირებად ჟურნალებში „Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities” და „Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences“ უკვე დაიბეჭდა მისი ორი კვლევა “ადრეული ქორწინება როგორც ბარიერი ახალგაზრდების განათლებისა და კარიერული განვითარებისთვის“ (“Early marriage as a barrier to the career and educational opportunity for the youth in Georgia”) და „აკმაყოფილებთ თუ არა ქართველ მოზარდებს საკუთარი სხეულის ხატი“(Are Georgian adolescents satisfied with their body image?”). აღნიშნული სამეცნიერო მიღწევებისთვის იგი სოციალურ და პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის მიერ საუკეთესო მეცნიერ სტუდენტად დასახელდა. 2021 წელს კვლევით „ Ethnic stereotypes , access to education and career advancement” გახდა გერმანიის საგარეო სამინისტროსა და GIP მხარდაჭერით განხორციელებული პროექტის „Geoyouth2021- Supporting youth participation in local processes” გამარჯვებული. ამავდროულად, იგი არის ევროკავშირის პროექტის „ტექნიკური მხარდაჭერა შრომის ბაზრის საჭიროებებსა და დასაქმებაზე მორგებული ცოდნა-უნარების განვითარებისთვის“ (Skills4jobs TA project) კვლევითი ექსპერტი.
Chairperson of the Organization’s Board
Iago Kachkachishvili is Professor of Sociology and Head of the Direction of Sociology and Social Work at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. As a scientist, he undertakes academic and empirical studies. At Tbilis State University Iago Kachkachishvili leads the courses on Contemporary and Post-Modern Social Theories, as well as the course on Methods of Social Research. Within the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis, he undertakes various projects – both research and educational projects. The research projects are related to numerous fields: problems of democracy and politics, educational policy and ethnicity, social protection and inclusion, deviation and social order, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and reproductive health, etc. Iago Kachkachishvili’s major role in the studies, besides leading them, is to design research tools (questionnaires, discussion plans, etc.) and analyze data. He also has rich experience in moderating focus groups and conducting in-depth interviews of various kinds. Iago Kachkachishvili is a co-editor of the international peer-reviewed scientific journal “Social Policy and Social Work in Transition” which is printed in English. He is the author (co-author) of 6 books and more than 50 scientific articles, part of which are published internationally in the Georgian, English and Russian languages.
E-mail: iagok@yahoo.com; iago@issa-georgia.com
Board Member of the organization
Mamuka Nadareishvili has an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the title of a Professor in the field of Physics and Mathematics. During the last 30 years, Mamuka Nadareishvili has been working as a statistician-analyst in the planning and development of research databases, especially in the studies on households, agriculture and poverty monitoring. For 10 years, Mamuka Nadareishvili served as a consultant at state institutions in the fields of social research, statistics, poverty and social vulnerability. In addition to Georgia, Mamuka Nadareishvili worked in 6 countries as the main expert/consultant at state and non-state strategic programs on social protection under the aegis of the World Bank and other prestigious international organizations. He is the author of 15 publications and more than 10 scientific pieces on various fundamental topics of statistics. He has served as the President of the Georgian Statistical Association since 2011. He has worked as a full professor at Ilia State University since 2011. Mamuka Nadareishvili has had close cooperation with the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis since the day of its foundation and became a member of the Institute’s Board in 2011.
E-mail: mamnadar2005@yahoo.com; mamuka@issa-georgia.com
Board Member of the organization
Giorgi Nizharadze has an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. Since 1980 Giorgi Nizharadze has been working at various research, scientific and educational institutions as a senior researcher, head of the research laboratory, head of the research team, research coordinator and Professor. Giorgi Nizharadze was involved in numerous international projects which studied the cultural and cross-cultural characteristics of transitional societies as well as the dynamics of various social groups and peculiarities of socio-cultural contexts. He is a member of numerous professional associations. Giorgi Nizharadze is the author of 60 or so scientific publications. Currently, he is a full professor at Tbilisi Free University in the field of social sciences. Giorgi Nizharadze has been cooperating closely with the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis since its foundation and became a member of the Board of the Institute in 2011.
E-mail: gagani@caucasus.net; gaga@issa-georgia.com
Financial Manager
In 2006 Tamuna Mangoshvili graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and received a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Since 2007 Tamuna Mangoshvili has worked at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis in the position of financial manager. Her major functions include: developing and processing accounting and financial documentation with the use of relevant programs, ensuring control over the budgets of projects, carrying out payments, controlling cash flows, preparing tax declarations and developing financial reports. Since 2007, Tamuna Mangoshvili has been the financial manager of all projects at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis.
E-mail: tamuna@issa-georgia.com
Board Member of the organization
Manager of Projects
Lali Sutiashvili graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in 1992 from the faculty of Geography and Geology with a specialization in Geography of Foreign Countries. In 1993–97 she worked at the Mayor’s Office in Tbilisi as a manager of sociological studies. In 1997–2003 she worked as the director of the computer educational center Gama. She has worked at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis since 2003 as the manager of projects. Lali Sutiashvili’s work includes management of administrative issues, coordination of project implementation, delegation and renewal of tasks between various task groups, as well as timely implementation of various stages of projects. Lali Sutiashvili has coordinated projects in 60 or so areas since the day of the organization’s foundation
E-mail: lali@issa-georgia.com
Board Member of the organization
Bela graduated from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in 1987 from the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics with a specialization in Statistics. In 1988 – 1995 Bela worked as a statistician at the planning division of the computing center at the Tbilisi Mayor’s Office. In 1995 - 2004 she worked as the deputy head of the accounting and planning division at Ltd. Tbilsystemtechnology. In 1997 – 2005 Bela Rekhviashvili worked in the field of teaching: she taught computer programs at the computer center Gama. Since 2001 Bela Rekhviashvili has worked as the main statistician at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis. Her functions include: development of quantitative research sampling designs, creation of the database, statistical processing of data, and the development of graphic representations of data for presentations. Since the foundation of the organization, Bela Rekhviashvili has participated in up to 100 research projects.
E-mail: bela@issa-georgia.com
Coordinator of Projects / Researcher
In 2007, Osiko graduated from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Faculty of Law and received a Master’s degree in Jurisprudence. Up to 2012, he worked at various private organizations in administrative positions. Since February, 2012, Osiko Kontselidze has been working at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis as the coordinator of projects. In 2018 graduated from the Tbilisi State University master's program in Sociology and received a master's degree in Sociology. Osiko Kontselidze’s major duties include: managing research and educational projects, undertaking interviews and focus groups, monitoring field work, preparing analytical study reports and other activities.
E-mail: ochi@issa-georgia.com
Nino Esebua is a student of the PhD program at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Sociology direction. She received her Master’s degree in Sociology from the same university. Her qualification thesis relates to the study of problems of internal migration (namely, from villages to urban centers). She is also interested in the issues of adaptation and socialization of vulnerable groups. She has worked at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis since September, 2017.
E-mail: nino@issa-georgia.com
Technical Manager
In 1992, Davit Shoshitaishvili graduated from Tbilisi State University and received a Master’s degree with a specialization in Economic and Social Geography of Foreign Countries. In 1990–95, Davit Shoshitaishvili worked at various public organizations in administrative positions. Since 2007, Davit Shoshitaishvili has worked at the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis as a technical manager. His functions include: managing technical supplies of the office and ensuring proper functioning of information technologies, managing technical aspects of studies, monitoring and renewing the web-page design, and implementing innovative technologies in the process of undertaking studies. Since 2007, Davit Shoshitaishvili has participated in all the projects conducted by the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis.
E-mail: david@issa-georgia.com