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ISSA - International organizations /Diplomatic missions
International organizations /Diplomatic missions
Survey of the demand of social housing among different target groups in Ajara region, 2014

Survey of the demand of social housing among different target groups in Ajara region, 2014

19 Sep 2014

The aim of research was to clarify how determined are the target groups in Ajara region to receive the terms of social Housing program offered by Ajara government; In addition, their attitude and expectations toward the Housing program.

Four target groups have been studied:

  • Families affected during natural disaster, whose lodging was damaged and need to be evacuated
  • Socially vulnerable, registered or going to be registered in the entire database of socially vulnerable; In addition, were selected families whose rating score was less than 100 001.
  • Homeless families, who turned to Ajara municipalities with a statement to allocate living area for them;
  • So called “extended families”, where one or more married couple lives and they want to live separately.

The research was held using qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative method, via group discussions, found out indicators relevant to the aim of the research. On the basis of these indicators was made a quantitative quastionnarie which used the method of face to face conversation. Totally 1571 respondents were interviewed. It happened when one and the same family belonged to two catagories (for example, socially vulnerable and homeless), 22% of them, or 345 families. Accordingly, the data for one family (belonging to two or more catagories) was considered in connection with all the catagories they identified themselves with. It caused “virtual increase” of database and number of families, up to 1915. 532 families out of it are affected during natural disaster, 322 – homeless, 712 – socially vulnerable, 349 – extended families.

The field-work was held during 4-14 June, 2014.

The research was financed by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), with Ajara government cofinancing. The research was fulfilled by the Institute for Social Studies and Analysis, (ISSA), head Professor Iago Kachkachishvili.