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Study of the needs of residents of 10 highland villages of Adjara, 2015

Study of the needs of residents of 10 highland villages of Adjara, 2015

20 Nov 2015

Institute of social studies and analysis by the order of “Adjaristskali Georgia” conducted a sociological research in 10 villages of Shuakhevi and Khulo, two municipalities of the mountainous region of Adjara, the goal of the research was to study the needs of the residents of villages within the frame of Ajaristskali hydropower project. According to the initially developed methodology it was planned to conduct 2200 standardized face-to-face interviews. However, as families in several are leaving their residence in winter relatively less amount of families were interviewed, instead of planned 2200 families, 1962 families were interviewed. 

Sampling size: 1962 families

Sampling design: PPS (Probability Proportional to Size) method

After developing a questionnaire and sampling the Institute of social studies and analysis carried out interview training, that touched upon research field and specifics of the questionnaire, sampling design etc. The recruitment of interviewers was made by the company "Adjaristskali - Georgia"

Fieldworks: Field works were conducted by the interviewers and lasted for 25 days due to the poor meteorological condition. Interviewers were supervised by the company "Ajaristskali - Georgia".

Control of field works was carried out immediately after the completion of field works. 10% of completed interviews were subjected to control. Field control was carried out via telephone. Employees of the Institute of Social Studies and Analysis contacted some of the respondents and verified the work done by interviewers.

Fieldwork was carried out from December 3, 2014, to December 27th.

Data encoding and computer input: Grouping and formalizing answers by respondents to open questions involved in the questionnaire, were provided by giving them codes (quantitative indicators). The coded responses were included in the computer matrix of the variables created for each specific survey.

Data Processing and Analysis: The survey data has been developed on the SPSS base of social survey statistics, which provides statistical data in the form of tables and diagrams. Analysis of statistical data has been carried out using univariate (frequency distributions, central trend indicators) and bivariate (cross tabulation, correlation) using different methods of analysis.